Hot Cross Buns

One a Penny

Hot Cross Buns

Results 1 – 10 of about 14,000,000.” Google is nothing if not prolific — one might even say prolix.

It was the week before Easter and I’d entered “easter bread” as the search term. I’d planned on baking some sort of Easter bread last year but something had prevented it, so this year I was determined. Chocolates and rabbits and chocolate rabbits are a recent addition to the feasts of spring — although some tend to get a bit literal (and even perverse) in their interpretations of such recent addendums. But eggs are a nearly universal symbol of spring and bread is almost as ubiquitous in areas where suitable grains are grown.

I already knew of the Italian Pane di Pasqua, Greek Tsoureki, and Russian Koulich breads. The Polish Babka, Ukrainian Paska, and Dutch Paasbrood weren’t much of a surprise. I was surprised though that there were so many Italian Easter breads — Crescia, Pan di Ramerino, Torta di Pasqua al Formaggio — and that so many were savory and not sweet. I also turned up a coconut bread with pineapple butter (but no indication of its origins) and the Armenian Choereg.

Then there’s matzo, the

Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If ye have no daughters,
Give them to your sons.
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns

traditional Passover bread (same celebration, different religion) and modern pagans celebrate Beltane with oat or barley scones which are reputedly traditional. Many (if not all) of the Easter breads really had nothing to with Easter originally. Instead they, like the scones of Beltane, were made for feasts having nothing to do with Christ but instead, like the eggs, were fertility symbols.

Given so many options to choose from, I fell back on my first impulse, Hot Cross Buns. I’ve not made them before and I thought they be good with a bit of homemade sausage on Easter morning — something a bit more substantial than my usual breakfast banana to tide me through to dinner. I eventually pulled several recipes together and came up with the following recipe. The buns are pleasantly sweet but not cloying. The glaze would be cloying, but there’s not much of it and it only appears in every two or three bites, which I think is about perfect. The spices offer a nice lilt and the texture is tender and chewey. I think next time I might use a bit of whole wheat flour just to provide a tad more depth to the flavor.

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns

1/2 c milk
1 tbsp yeast
1/4 c sugar
1 tsp salt
5 tbsp butter — melted and cooled
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
2 ea eggs
2 1/2 c all-purpose flour (King Arthur recommended)
3/4 c currants or raisins
1 ea egg
1/2 c confectioners’ sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 – 2 tbsp milk

Warm milk to room temperature. Fill a mixing bowl with hot water.

Empty mixing bowl and add milk, yeast, 1 tablespoon sugar, and 3 tablespoons of flour. Mix together, cover, and allow to rest 30 – 40 minutes or until sponge doubles in volume.

Mix in remaining sugar, butter spices, and 2 eggs. Gradually add remaining flour and salt, and knead for about 3 minutes. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes. Add currants and continue kneading for another 5 minutes until currants are thoroughly mixed in and dough is smooth and elastic. The dough should be moist but not sticky. Shape dough into a ball and place smooth side down in a buttered bowl, turn smooth side up and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to rise until doubled in size.

Line a 9″ x 13″ baking dish with parchment paper. Scoop the dough from the bowl and fold it several times to work out the large bubbles, then divide it into 12 equal portions. roll each portion into a ball and arrange balls in baking dish about 1/2″ apart. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

The next morning, remove from refrigerator and allow the buns to warm up and rise for a couple of hours until doubled in size.

Heat oven to 375F.

Using a razor blade, cut a cross in the top of each bun. Whisk together the remaining egg and a tablespoon of water and brush on the buns. Place buns on the center rack in the oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

Once done, cool in the pan on a wire rack for 30 minutes then whisk together the glaze ingredients and drizzle over crosses cut into buns. Serve warm. Makes 12 buns.

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4 Responses to “Hot Cross Buns”

  1. Rosa Says:

    Yum. The real thing. I’ll put this on my list for next year–wink.

  2. Kevin Says:

    Rosa,You don’t _have_ to wait until Easter.

  3. ejm Says:

    I’m with you on the “cloying” aspect of glaze. In fact, I don’t put a glaze on our hotcross buns at all. I find the sweetness of the buns is enough sugar for the morning. And this year I made the cross on each bun using two pieces of dough. Your hotcross buns look more like cinnamon buns to me (this is not a complaint – they look delicious) No nutmeg? No candied peel? I always associate nutmeg and candied peel with hotcross buns. Of course, this year, my hotcross buns had neither cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, currants OR candied peel. Bucking traditions, I made saffron hotcross buns…. Hehheh.-Elizabeth

  4. Kevin Says:

    Elizabeth,Thanks for stopping by.I’ve never made or eaten hot cross buns before so I’ve no idea what they’re supposed to be like, but I enjoyed these. Here’s what my cinnamon buns look like:

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